Monday, September 30, 2019

Othello William Shakespeare Essay

* William Shakespeare created one of his most famous plays Othello to investigate in an influential manner the unrelenting issues of racial discrimination and gender equility. Based on the tale ‘Un Capitano Moro’ (The Moorish Captain) by Giovanni Cinthio, Othello was written during the epoch of 1603. Due to the actions of Othello, in the midst of a small cast, there is an exploration of sexual jealousy, and thus this play has earned a title of a domestic tragedy. * In this, the final scene depicts how the tragic hero Othello acquiesces to his incurable blemish and reaches his cessation. The foreseeable ending is cathartic for the audience to experience catharsis, as they experience a passionate feeling of trepidation and pity. Shakespeare shows how he is able to differentiate an individual’s personality in the unchanging hierarchy of his society. * This was achieved through the Turkish invasion in Cyprus where the Venetians fought purely for national identity. Intertwined in the play, the Machiavellian character of Iago brings a certain rise to chaos and blurs out all the lines between appearance and reality. Saying this, by Shakespeare’s intense use of language, the emotional engaging final scene, brings back a certain order; giving light to issues of truth, race and female insubordination and defining the central protagonist. Context: * Written between 1601 and 1604, Othello’s context is based around the eras of the Elizabethan and Jacobean epochs of English history. Between the two different periods, the Renaissance ideologies are greatly encompassed. These ideologies are that of a cultural movement occurring throughout Europe in the 14th to the 17th centuries. In the crux of this era, a deep understanding of characters and issues in Othello may perhaps be attained from the initial actions of the play, being set in one of the foremost cities of the Italian Renaissance. Moreover, this period also brought with it the Protestant Reformation which was commenced by Martin Luther which viewed the refusal of medieval Christian values. The Protestant theology believed that God’s divine plan of rational and moral logic was constant throughout society; one which developed in the unchallengeable hierarchy. * The Chain of Being was the reason for such order whereby it relegate all beings to ones rightful place and purpose in the universe. To preserve such a harmony, people had to develop reason and intellect to rule their emotions. In difference to such strict array, the Renaissance also gave rise to Humanism. Pico Della Mirandola here declared that â€Å"one could become as low as an animal or through intellect and imagination become equivalent to God, at least in understanding†1, which I believe may have shaped Shakespeare’s traditional thinking in Othello. * The selection of using a black tragic hero was indeed controversial, and furthermore those â€Å"Blackamoors† in Shakespeare’s previous dramas were without a doubt wicked. This is exemplified through Aaron in Titus Andronicus where this drama exclaimed ‘If one good deed in all my life I did, I do repent it to my very soul’(Act 5, Scene 3). Due to the conflict with Spain during the Elizabethan period, Blackamoors arrived in England and were reduced to servants or slaves. Therefore it is obvious that the audience of the era would have seen Othello’s superior military position as a serve rebellion to natural order. * Nevertheless, although the importance of race in Othello, it is essential that the audience recognises that the play is created primarily for the concern with class and subordination rather than forceful racism. The historical and geographical setting also plays a major influence in bringing various amounts of symbolism to the play. Venice was seen as a locus of Christian civilisation, rational order, culture and prosperity. It was also linked with poisoning as it was the birthplace of Niccolo Machiavelli. Moreover, the city was at the forefront of the battle, between the Christians and the Turks; who were seen as malicious, barbaric infidels. * The conflict was move to the island of Cyprus in 1570 which was a place isolated from civilisation and allied with Aphrodite, the goddess of love- and thus deemed a place of wild infatuation. Therefore we can see how this setting is able to show Othello’s inner conflict and dichotomy of identities; between the civilised and the barbaric, the Christian and the Pagan, the good and the evil within himself. Theme 1: Women * According to the time that the play was written in and the general hierarchy within Venetian society men hold all the power and women are considered to be of low intellect. Yet it is the women that speak the most sense throughout the play and it is also the women that are able to trust other characters in the play. Each woman represents a different social level, Desdemona being the highest and Bianca being of the lowest. Each sexual relationship in the play provokes some jealousy between the couple. * Bianca does not appear in the play as much as the other female characters yet her presence is key to the death of Desdemona as well as other play themes. Iago often refers to her as a prostitute, â€Å"A house wife that by selling her desires, Buys herself bread and clothes†. She has fallen in love with Cassio, yet he does not speak of his returned affection for her due to his desire for status, and her social standing would affect this dramatically. She is the jealous partner in this relationship and expresses this when Cassio produces Desdemona’s handkerchief, which Iago has planted in Cassio’s room. * As Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s lady in waiting Emilia helps link Iago’s plan. It was she whom supplied the Desdemona’s handkerchief for Iago. This helps Iago distort Othello’s views about Desdemona’s fidelity. It is interesting that she does not question Iago too much when she gives him the handkerchief, it could be considered that this illustrates female ability to trust in the play. However she also remains ignorant of the entire plot until the end, when her life comes to an abrupt ending, at the hands of her husband, Iago. She often failed to think before saying and performing some action. This, without much thought, uncovers her husband’s plan, but she fails to consider the consequences for herself. This is very different to her husband, who seems to plan out every word in order to get the right response. It is apparent that this is quite an unhappy marriage, made clearer through their dissimilar personalities. She has many honorable qualities such as her honesty in addition to her loyalty towards Desdemona. Iago does not treat her like his wife until he requires something; this shows this marriage was purely one in order to gain status among piers. * Throughout the play Desdemona is a symbol of innocence and helplessness. However on first encounter with her she appears to be mature and quite perceptive of events around her. Iago often tells Othello that she is unfaithful. It seems that she refuses to accept what is happening. Her views are impartial. She has a tendency to be sympathetic towards other people’s situations, like Cassio. This also further inspired Othello’s jealousy when Iago pointed out they were speaking in privacy. She often pays attention to other peoples thoughts yet remains cynical if they differ to her own. She has a loyalty to her husbands in all aspects of life, whether it is mental or physical. If Desdemona had been an emotional void then Iago would not have succeeded in his plan. This would have meant that she would not have lied to Othello about losing the handkerchief, which she did so as not to hurt his feelings. However Othello sees this as an attempt to deceive him and conceal the alleged truth about her affair with Cassio. Even her final words, indicate that she blames her death on herself, and not her jealous husband. * Othello was indeed a tragedy, in which out of the three women that are introduced, only one survived. Although the women were all rational in thought and trusting, their trust was often misplaced, in gentlemen like Iago. As well as this regardless of their intellect and contemplation of events around them (in some cases) this was not enough for them to rise up in society, as women had no opinion in the time of the play. Although Shakespeare undertook many modern day ideas, he did not do this for a modern day society, as it would not have allowed so many events to occur, and it would not have been considered realistic by the viewing public. Theme 2: Appearance vs Reality. * When we are able to see the hidden truth in the closing scene of Othello, the distinct battle between appearance and reality is concluded, giving a clear exposure to the understanding of all the characters and issues of the play. Notably, productions of Othello during the Elizabethan epoch would have used a white actor as the protagonist, and masked their skin with black makeup. * This ultimately emphasises the immense difference between external appearances and the internal reality, whereby the obvious dishonesty of the white Iago is juxtaposed with a fundamentally dignified black Othello. This is further promoted by the lines of the Duke in Act 1, who confirms that ‘If virtue no delighted beauty lack/ Your son-in-law is far more fair than black’. * Iago has the ability to clearly identity the fraud of appearances; as also he is the most likely to lie, he gains a trust from all characters in the play which concludes as being fatal to Othello. Iago further says ‘I am not what I am’, as he is able to put on a fake honesty in society and only tells of his wickedness in soliloquy with the audience. * Thus wickedness allows Iago to affect the thinking of Othello and moreover creating a crude image that ‘Cassio did top  her’, hence believing his obscure reasoning and logic and making Othello take this as the truth leading to his disastrous endings. The soubriquet of â€Å"Honest Iago† is continually reiterated by Othello, Cassio and Desdemona; hence it is cynically mocking those he wanted to deceive. Moreover, in the closing scene, the truth is slowly revealed as Iago is finally revealed as the villain who he is seen by the audience throughout the whole play. * Although, in the final resolution to ‘never speak word’, Shakespeare is able to penetrate the message of the very mysterious and inevitable human nature which Iago represents. Actions made by Othello are depended on the characters ability to not see things. He is able to blame and prosecute Desdemona even though he never witnessed her so called unlawful act against him, and Emilia- although she does witness Othello’s extreme anger and sadness over the loss of the handkerchief- she does not properly see what her husband has done to cause this. * Thus it is obvious to see how the importance of the ‘eye’ imagery in the final scene as it helps to demonstrate a material realisation of the actual fatal truth. Once Othello has committed his own suicide, Iago is invited by Lodovico to ‘Look on the tragic loading of this bed/ This is thy work. The object poisons sight, let it be hid’. * Formerly, Iago poisoned Othello by pouring ‘this pestilence into his ear’. Conversely, it is as though Shakespeare is parodying the heroes need for ‘ocular proof, as it ends as the eye which receives the poison; with the man himself Othello being a part of the typical ending for a Shakespearean play, a horrific massacre. We then gain an understanding from the conclusiveness of death a certain reality and moral implication on issues of truth within the final scene. * Furthermore, it is only a given that Emilia protects Desdemona as ‘the sweetest thing that ere did lift up eye’, followed by Othello confirming his own wife’s truthful innocence by declaring of her look that ‘This look of thine will hurl my soul from heaven’. Hence in the closing scene of the play, Shakespeare uses both visual and auditory imagery to show the difference between appearance and reality and deepen our understanding of the character Othello. Theme 3: Order and Chaos * The final scene, due to Elizabethan context, brings to place the restitution of order; which helps to reunite the characters with concerns they have detained throughout the play. All Shakespearean plays depict a hierarchic society to maintain the cosmic laws of God. * A great amount of torment in the 17th century came from this Great Chain of Being, as a disturbance of this order possibly would force the world into great chaos, one which out does any of the kind. Othello is given two roles in this, one as the creator of chaos, and the other, the protector of order. Being held at high regard as the military general gave him the label of a hero and defender of Venetian civilisation. * However, due to his race and colour, Othello also was seen to be threatening the white authority of the state. Much the same of the island of Cyprus, Othello was colonised by Venice, and used, however never fully becomes a Venetian. * With social fears of miscegenation, Othello’s position as an outsider was forced upon him, and hence by Brabantio’s repulsion at the harsh image of a ‘black ram tupping your white ewe’. Yet, like all Shakespearean plays, order is restored in the final scene. In this scene, Othello is able to re-establish himself as a heroic soldier through his suicide, by getting rid of the barbaric Turkish enemy. Through the uses of chaos and order, it represents the battle between Christians and Infidels. In the closing scene of Othello, Emilia reiterates ‘play the swan/ and die in music’. * This natural imagery says that it is possible that the laws of nature or religion are extremely powerful in society. This belief is further exemplified through the religious turmoil of the previous century, as Protestants were harshly persecuted under the rulings of Queen Mary I. * Thus, it is obvious how religious devotion kept world order. We can further link Othello’s character to black magic and a pagan history through items such as the handkerchief, illustrating the disorder of the unknown to the Venetians. This is further linked with Christopher Marlowe’s, Doctor Faustus who is able to create a sense of disorder through his associations with the devil. Saying this, at the ending of Othello, Shakespeare verifies that chaos and disorder can occupy the microcosm of an individual. * As Othello states ‘Perdition catch my soul/ But I do love thee; and when I love thee not/ Chaos is come again’, we can see how he foreshadows an expression of self chaos at the loss of Desdemona’s love. Next to the ‘temptation scene’ of Act 3, we see how Othello succumbs to the ‘green eyed monster’ of pure jealously brought on through Iago’s evil mind games. * This extremely powerful human emotion releases the beast hidden in Othello. This can greatly be seen in the breakdown of his language which has been his tool to command order throughout the whole play; typical of his contextual authority. He cries ‘Pish! Noses, ears,/and lips. Is’t possible? Confess-handkerchief! O/devil! ’, illustrating his confused mind and disorderly insecurity over Desdemona’s fidelity. However, as the play closes, Shakespeare leads Othello back to person order. * In ‘killing himself to die upon a kiss’, Othello is able to seal his bond with his sweet and innocent wife, Desdemona and eventually dies in an act of love. Ultimately, the final scene of Othello, illustrates to the audience the utmost importance of the restoration of order, in terms of both social structure and the individual. Conclusion: The final scene of Shakespeare’s Othello, offers us a sometimes erratic, emotion and foreseeable series of events. However this type of ending is extremely effective. It is in agreement with various traditional Aristotelian tragedies by the way it involves an intense feeling of pity and fear for the audience’s entertainment. Moreover, the exaggerated ending of the play brings intensity and incites the readers to look upon the nature of the characters in the various issues amongst the play. Mainly, in the final scene, we see the flaws of the tragic hero, the Machiavellian disposition of Iago, the way women are seen and positioned in Shakespearian context and lastly the necessity of order after the use of chaotic dimensions. Ultimately, the various emotions and thoughts put upon the audience in this final scene of the play Othello, helps promote and illustrate how it is one of Shakespeare’s most intriguing and controversial plays.

A Solution For South African Energy Crisis Environmental Sciences Essay

This study investigates assorted sustainable energy beginnings in order to set up which beginning would be most dependable to run into the electricity demand of South Africa. Hydro-energy, air current energy, ocean current energy and solar energy were studied. Although an substructure already exist, for air current energy the study concludes that solar energy would be the most dependable renewable energy beginning. Modern societies across the Earth are dependent on the handiness of dependable electricity supply for the care of human and economical activities. Worldwide people are hence progressively concerned about the handiness and the sustainability of energy beginnings for the coevals of electricity. Presently in South Africa the topic â€Å" sustainable energy † is besides high on the docket. This study will look into the place of electricity supply in South Africa and the possible solution that sustainable energy beginnings might keep for South Africa. This study will foremost give a historical overview of the origin and the development of the electricity supply industry in South Africa. Then it will look briefly at the complex inquiries that electricity providers have to face. Finally the assorted types of sustanable energy applicable to South Africa, viz. hydroenergy, air current energy, ocean current energy and solar energy will be discussed.2 Historic overviewThe history of the origin and development of the Southern African electricity supply industry is a absorbing topic. The proficient challenges, the interaction with Industry every bit good as political leaders is non new, but has been portion of electricity from the exchanging on of the first street visible radiations on the African continent in Kimberley on 1 September 1882, three yearss before the launching of the first commercial power station in New York. The history of sustainable energy in South Africa is in fact longer than most people would conceive of. Already in 1895 there were attempts to tap the hydro-energy potency of the Victoria Waterfalls. In 1895, forty old ages after Livingstone had discovered the Victoria Falls, Professor George Forbes arrived in Southern Africa. He was the interior decorator of the Niagara Falls Hydroelectric Power Station, which was at that clip the largest power strategy in the universe. With the Victoria Falls, non merely every bit broad as Niagara, but with dual the tallness, he could non neglect to be impressed by its possible as a hydroelectric strategy to provide the Witwatersrand with an abundant and inexpensive supply of electricity. Although the chief obstruction came in the signifier of the 1 000 kilometer distance over which the power had to be transmitted, a subordinate called the African Concession Syndicate was created in 1901. This mob was granted the exclusive right to tackle the Zambezi River for present and future hydroelectric power strategies. In malice of these readyings, the usage of H2O in the coevals of electricity would merely come much later ( Conradie & A ; Messerschmidt, 2000 ) .3 The complexnesss of electricity systemsDuring the argument in the media around the current crisis a few affairs became clear. First, it is non widely understood that electricity can non be stored and in the instance of renewable energy beginnings, that becomes a major challenge. The 2nd complexness that was ( and still is ) non widely understood, is the complex workings of the electricity supply. The coevals of electricity from power Stationss which are largely situated in the northern inside of the sub-continent and conveyed to the client by manner of 28 000 kilometer of high electromotive force and 250 000 kilometer of lower electromotive force lines, is besides hard to understand. The reconciliation of changing supply and demand requires the changeless attending of the National Control Centre and if the demand outstrips the supply, it is possible to see entire electromotive force prostration, similar to the state of affairs in the north eastern American continent on 14 August 2003 when the consecutive tripping of power lines by trees under power lines in three different countries lead to a electromotive force prostration of the transmittal system. This plunged big metropoliss like New York and Washington in partial darkness and metropoliss like Toronto in entire darkness. The full Restoration of the power system took about a hebdomad to finish. The term â€Å" burden casting † ( besides non understood by most ) is used to denote the sloughing of burden or electricity demand in order to forestall the 50 Hz frequence from dropping excessively low, ensuing in under-frequency tripping of power Stationss and entire electromotive force prostration.4 Sustainable energyFor many old ages South Africa has been, and still is, bring forthing some of the cheapest electricity in the universe. This was mostly due to the handiness of really inexpensive low class coal. With the lifting demand in the remainder of the universe for that coal, South Africans will decidedly experience the pinch. Because of this state of affairs the natural response is to look at pull offing the demand for electricity every bit good as investigate renewable energy beginnings. As can be seen in Figure 1, a figure of sustainable energy beginnings have been identified in the universe. These beginnings can be classified harmonizing to the type of energy they produce. The challenge for South Africa is to use those beginnings most fitting for the fortunes here. Figure 1: Sustainable energy beginnings identified worldwide ( Beginning: Renewable energy. The possible and the restrictions. 2008. [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 2009, December 15 ] . ) Two chief issues need to be considered when looking at the viability of alternate energy beginnings. The first is of class the proficient feasibleness of the undertaking. The 2nd is the cost at which electricity can be produced by the alternate beginning.5 HydroenergyOne of the most obvious renewable beginnings is hydroenergy. In many states, particularly in the Northern hemisphere, many electrical public-service corporations produce power in this manner. In the instance of South Africa, the state does non hold big rivers that can be used to bring forth electricity with.6 Current usage of hydroenergy in South AfricaAt this phase Eskom operates a figure of pump storage strategies that pump H2O into keeping dikes during off-peak periods and usage that to bring forth power during extremum periods. As such this is non a renewable beginning as it uses electricity from dodo fuelled power Stationss for pumping H2O.7 The Congo river as the energy provider for Southern AfricaOne instead ambit ious undertaking that Eskom is presently involved in is to use the hydroenergy from the Congo River. Harmonizing to its inaugural one-year study, the Western Power Corridor ( PTY ) Ltd ( Westcor ) ( 2008 ) proposes to tap the rich, big graduated table renewable hydroresources of the Western, Central and Eastern Corridor of Southern Africa finally. When to the full tapped, the magnitudes will transcend 100GW. This joint venture between the take parting national state-owned electricity companies of Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Namibia and South Africa was signed on 7 September 2005 in Gabarone, Botswana. Harmonizing to Mr E Nelumba, Chairman of the Shareholders Steering Committee, Westcor was formed to develop the Western Power Corridor which includes the development of the 3 500 MW tally of river hydroelectric power works at Inga 3 in the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) . It will besides build power transmittal systems to incorporate with the national grids of the participating every bit good as the remainder of southern Africa. The concluding aspiration is to bring forth 10 000 MW at Inga 3. The Congo River has an estimated 100 000 MW capacity with 40 000 M3s per second and all possible sites are under examination to finally make the end of 50 000 MW of Grand Inga. This is larger than the sum installed capacity of the full Eskom system. Angola has besides indicated that their exploitable hydroelectric potency is about 18 000 MW of which merely 810 MW is presently used. One of the great challenges of this undertaking remains the transmittal of the power to the chief clients in the South. In order to reassign the power faithfully and economically it would be necessary to run the 4 000 kilometer power lines at electromotive force between 600 kilovolts and 1000 kilovolt. The engineering to be able to make this is still in its babyhood and is the topic of current research. To add to the quandary the environment that the proposed lines will track includes countries with some of the highest happening of veld fires and these have the ability to do breaks to the flow of power.8 Wind energyThe usage of air current as an energy beginning is likely one of the best known signifiers of renewable energy and successful commercial operations have been around for a long piece. Harmonizing to the IngenierbAA?ro fAA?r neue Energien air current coevals in Germany sums to 39 500 GWh ( Power in Europe, 2008 ) . This accounts for more than half of the renewable energy in that state. The universe ‘s entire installed capacity of air current generators was 94 GW at the terminal of 2007 ( Smit et Al, 2008 ) .9 Wind turbines in usage presentlyEskom commissioned three wind turbines between August 2002 and February 2003 at its Klipheuwel site North of Cape Town. Two Danish turbines and one French turbine, with a combined capacity of 3.16 MW, were installed to enable Eskom to compare the different design and operational features. To day of the month the installation has generated more than 15 GWh, which was fed into the grid at the Klipheuwel 11 kV/66kV substation ( Smit et Al, 2008 ) . The single power, responsibility rhythm and cost features of each of the turbines are being collected in a engineering matrix that will finally incorporate a suite of Renewable Energy engineering options, with air current being the first. The tower dynamic features and quiver status supervising baseline measurings every bit good as the interaction between the grid and the generators have already been done. The production analysis will be used in the future selling of green energy ( Smit et Al, 2008 ) .10 Variability in available energyAs with other signifiers of renewable energy, the variableness in the available energy is an issue that concerns the developers of these systems. Wind is no exclusion and in this instance an accurate finding of air current climatologies is required, based on several old ages of air current informations. A well-known survey carried out by Geernaert et Al ( 1988 ) used information of a 109 old ages ( between 1873 and 1982 ) and showed that fluctuations of up to 30 % from the average value can be expected from one decennary to the following. This information is important if it is considered that the installation may hold a lifetime of 20 old ages and longer. The available air current energy is of class besides influenced by topographical factors every bit good as variableness in air current speed due to height fluctuations. This makes the pick of the appropriate site a really of import issue.11 The hereafter of air current energyWith the valuable research done at Klipheuwel the hereafter for air current coevals seems bright. Eskom announced the building of a 100 MW installation on the West Coast close to Koekenaap in 2007. The EIA and commercial activities are good underway and building is planned to get down tardily in 2008. The installation will dwell of approximately 50 units runing between 1.5 to 2.5 MW and will be integrated into the 132 kilovolt system at Eskom ‘s Juno or Koekenaap substations. Based on the variableness d iscussed above and an energy use factor of 26 % , the installation is expected to bring forth 2 28G Wh per annum ( Smit et Al, 2008 ) . Based on old experience the building of the installation will take about one twelvemonth to finish.12 Ocean current energyThe energy fluxes of the oceans have attracted the attending of applied scientists for a long clip and include the assorted signifiers.13 Continual moving ridge gestureThe continual moving ridge gesture that can power coevals devices. One illustration is the US $ 29.5m experimental installation of Scots Power at the Orkney Islands ( Power in Europe, 2008 ) . The Pelamis system consists of four elephantine metal â€Å" sausages † , each 450 m long, bobbing on the moving ridges and each bring forthing 750 KW by turning the gesture into electricity via the pumping of hydraulic fluid through the articulations. By some estimations Scotland should be able to bring forth every bit much as 1 300 MW by 2020.14 Tidal energyThe gravi tative forces of the Sun and Moon consequence in the surface of the sea changing by about 2 m. This consequence can be amplified by up to 11 m due to the effects of bays and channels. It is this energy that is used by systems such as the tidal energy works at La Range in France with a capacity of 240 MW.15 Salinity differencesAlthough the salt differences between the ocean H2O and fresh overflow represent differences in chemical potency which may be harnessed through a suited membrane, this has merely been demonstrated on a little graduated table.16 Thermal differencesThe thermic differences between surface and deep H2O can be every bit much as 15 grades and a heat engine can be used to bring forth power. This construct, referred to as Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion ( OTEC ) has, nevertheless, a thermodynamic efficiency of merely 8 % and Eskom is presently measuring the usage of cold deep H2O as a coolant for coastal power Stationss, where its efficiency will be higher.17 Fast flux ing ocean currentsThe fast flowing western boundary ocean currents can hold speeds of up to 2.5 m/s which could supply a beginning of comparatively high power denseness for power coevals although there are no commercial undertakings presently under development. Eskom is actively involved in research on this topic.18 Energy denseness of H2OBecause the energy denseness of a medium is straight relative to its denseness and is a map of the speed cubed, the energy denseness for H2O is far higher compared to weave at comparable speeds. The denseness of H2O is about two orders of magnitude higher than that of air. This means that an ocean current is far more fecund as a resource compared to onshore air current. Due to the rough environment demands on an ocean current generator, it is assumed that for a commercially feasible undertaking, the energy denseness should be dual of that required of air current. This implies that currents with speeds of at least 1,5 m/s need to be found.19 Solar e nergySouthern Africa has over many old ages used the copiousness of sunlight to market the state as â€Å" Sunny South Africa † . It is hence non surprising that this signifier of energy is regarded by some as the chief beginning that can significantly act upon Eskom ‘s supply side.20 Solar panelsThe work about solar panels both photovoltaic and solar H2O warmers are good known and late Prof Vivian Alberts of the University of Johannesburg announced a discovery in the production of a new photovoltaic panel that will be up to 50 % cheaper than anything else on the market ( Venter, 2007 ) .21 Concentrated Solar Power ( CSP )Another exciting and advanced usage of solar power is presently being investigated by Eskom. The engineering referred to as concentrated Solar Power ( CSP ) uses sun energy to heat a mixture of 60 % Sodium Nitrate ( NaNo3 ) and 40 % Potassium Nitrate ( KNO3 ) to a temperature of 565A °C. CSP is besides regarded as the lone large-scale renewable engin eering with proved energy storage. The heat energy can be stored for up to 14 hours and is used to bring forth steam for the 100 MW reheat steam turbine at a unrecorded steam force per unit area of 125 saloon. This means that the works will be able to bring forth power for a full 24 hours during the summer solstice. An mean expected burden factor of 70 % is expected.22 DecisionAs the demand for electricity rises, a more sustainable energy beginning to replace the dodo fuel energy beginning was investigated. In South Africa research has been done in both the engineering and tackling electricity from renewable energy beginnings. The study showed that hydro energy, weave energy, ocean current energy and solar energy were investigated. Due to the changeless sunlight in South Africa, it appeared like solar energy would be the most dependable energy beginning.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ferdinand Magellan and Portuguese Explorer Ferdinand Essay

Lapu-Lapu (floruit-1521) was a ruler of Mactan, an island in the Visayas, Philippines, who is known as the first native of the archipelago to have resisted the Spanish colonization. He was also responsible for the death of Portuguese Explorer Ferdinand Magellan. [1] He is now regarded, retroactively, as the first Filipino hero. [2][3] He is also known under the names Cilapulapu,[4] Si Lapulapu,[5] Salip Pulaka,[6][note 1] and Kali Pulako (alternatively spelled as Cali Pulaco),[7] though the historicity of the names is disputed. See also: Maginoo Lapu-Lapu became one of two datus of Mactan before the Spanish arrived in the archipelago, the other being a certain Zula. When Portuguese explorer and conquistador Ferdinand Magellan arrived in the Philippines in the service of Spain, Zula was one of those who gave tribute to the Spanish king while Lapu-Lapu refused. On the morning of April 27, 1521, Lapu-Lapu led 3,000 warriors in a battle against Portuguese explorer and conquistador Ferdinand Magellan who led a force of forty-nine Spanish soldiers and 6000 native warriors from Cebu. During the battle Magellan and several of his men were killed. [8] The historian William Henry Scott believes that Lapu-Lapu’s hostility may have been the result of a mistaken assumption by Ferdinand Magellan. Magellan assumed that ancient Filipino society was structured in the same way as European society (i. e. with royalty ruling over a region). While this may be true in the Islamic sultanates in Mindanao, the Visayan societies were structured along a loose federation of city-states (more accurately, a chiefdom). The most powerful datu in such a federation has limited power over other member datu, but they had no direct control over the subjects or lands of the other datu. [6] Thus Magellan believed wrongly that since Rajah Humabon was the â€Å"king† of Cebu, he was the king of Mactan as well. But the island of Mactan, the domain of Lapu-Lapu and Zula, was in a location that enabled them to intercept trade ships entering the harbor of Cebu, Humabon’s domain. Thus it was more likely that Lapu-Lapu was actually more powerful than Humabon. Humabon himself was married to Lapu-Lapu’s niece. When Magellan demanded that Lapu-Lapu submit as his â€Å"king† Humabon had done, Lapu-Lapu purportedly replied that â€Å"he was unwilling to come and do reverence to one whom he had been commanding for so long a time†. [6] Controversy[edit] The historical name of Lapu-Lapu is controversial. The earliest record of his name is from the Italian explorer Antonio Pigafetta who accompanied Magellan in the Philippines. He records the names of two chiefs of the island of â€Å"Matan†, the chiefs â€Å"Zula† and â€Å"Cilapulapu† (note C). 4] In an annotation of the 1890 edition of Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos de las islas Filipinas, Jose Rizal spells this name as â€Å"Si Lapulapu† without explanation. [5] However, the 17th century mestizo de sangley poet Carlos Calao mentions Lapu-Lapu under the name of â€Å"Cali Pulaco† in his poem Que Dios Le Perdone (That God May Forgive Him). [9] The name, spelled â€Å"Kalipulako†, was later adopted as one of the pseudonyms of the Philippine hero, Mariano Ponce, during the Philippine Revolution. The 1898 Philippine Declaration of Independence of Cavite II el Viejo, also mentions Lapu-Lapu under the name â€Å"Rey Kalipulako de Mactan [sic]† (King Kalipulako of Mactan). [11] Legacy[edit] The Philippine government has since erected a statue in his honour on Mactan Island and renamed the town of Opon in Cebu to Lapu-Lapu City. Another statue stands in Rizal Park in the national capital of Manila. Lapu-Lapu also appears on the official seal of the Philippine National Police[12] and as the main design on the defunct 1-centavo coin circulated in the Philippines from 1967 to 1974. During the First Regular Season of the 14th Congress of the Philippines, Senator Richard Gordon introduced a bill proposing to declare April 27 as an official Philippine national holiday to be known as Adlaw ni Lapu-Lapu, (Cebuano, â€Å"Day of Lapu-Lapu†). [14] In the United States, a street in the South of Market neighborhood of San Francisco, California is named after Lapu-Lapu. [15] Lapu-Lapu Lapu-Lapu’s statue on Mactan Island in the PhilippinesNationalityFilipinoOccupationChieftainKnown forcommanding Visayan forces that defeated the Spaniards, and killing Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan. Lapu-Lapu was the king of Mactan, an island in the Visayas, Philippines, who is known as the first native of the archipelago to have resisted Spanish colonization. He is now regarded as the first Filipino hero. On the morning of April 27, 1521, Lapu-Lapu and the men of Mactan, armed with spears, and kampilan, faced Spanish soldiers led by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan. In what would later be known as the Battle of Mactan, Magellan, and several of his men were killed. According to Sulu oral tradition, Lapu-Lapu was a Muslim chieftain, and was also known as â€Å"Kaliph Pulaka†. The people of Bangsamoro, the Islamic homeland in the Philippine Islands, consider him to be a Muslim and a member of the Tausug ethnic group. [4] A variant of the name, as written by Carlos Calao, a 17th century Chinese-Spanish poet in his poem â€Å"Que Dios Le Perdone† (Spanish, â€Å"That God May Forgive Him†) is â€Å"Cali Pulacu†. The 1898 Philippine Declaration of Independence refers to Lapu-Lapu as â€Å"King Kalipulako de Maktan†. [6] In the 19th century, the reformist Mariano Ponce used a variant name, â€Å"Kalipulako†, as one of his pseudonyms.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Integrating Business prespictive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Integrating Business prespictive - Essay Example To bridge this gap that exist between the job graduate job seekers and potential employers the app we have initiated will be crucial. With this program, graduates can connect with incredible companies that are potential employers. This program is specially designed for graduates to come in contact with employers, and it’s open to all graduates possessing a great attitude and wanting a new job. The program will offer unemployed graduates with an opportunity like no other. Through this program graduates develop job skills, earn training and make fruitful business and personal connections (Horie, 2004). The program is distinctive in the sense that it gets the graduates working. Through this project, graduates earn the much-needed experience in the job market. This project gives the perfect opportunity for the graduates to enter the workforce as well as earning some money. Besides, our program enlightens graduates on the wages that the various industries offered for diverse careers. With this program, graduates earn valuable work experiences, training to enhance once employability and job skills. It also grows their resume and connections with relevant organizations that could be helpful in the future. Since our main objective to solve the unemployment among the graduates, intend to reduce the number of unemployed graduates every year. The problem of labour market mismatch in supply and demand will be our main objective (Wasmer & Weil, 2000). The project starts the process of connecting graduates with the job market right at the various institution of higher learning. Finalists are the key targets of the projects as well as freshly graduated individuals. To ensure equality, a similar number of graduates are picked from various institutions of higher learning and absorbed into the program every year. The main source of revenue for this project is the subscription from various graduates

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Communication skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Communication skills - Essay Example ure that the entire experience of a flight is quite comfortable for the customers; they inform the customers regarding procedures and practices that are conducted during emergency situations. They even are responsible for delivering feed and beverages to customers. One of the most important communication skills that are required of a flight attendant is the listening skills. Listening skills are important skills as they are the most useful tools in making a customer feel safe, secure and comfortable. During flying period there may be incidences that customers may feel can lead to an accident and they might end up in panic. In such situations, flight attendants need to make sure that they listen to their customers to make them feel that the people in the flight are similar to their family members and are trying their best to solve the issues experienced during the flight (Jones, 2012, p.5). Another essential communication skill that is required of a flight attendant is nonverbal commu nication skills, especially being able to use hand gestures. These skills are essential as there are people who may not understand the official language used by the flight attendant and use of gestures can help them understand the instructions that are being provided by the attendant. One of the weakest areas of my communication skills is listening skills. I have a habit of not being concerned about what others have to say regarding their problems and when people tell me about their problems, I tend to simply ignore what they are saying and end up nodding my head just to make them feel that I am listening. Secondly, I lack the ability to communicate effectively with use of non-verbal communication tools such as hand gestures. I fail to make people understand what I want them to know when I use hand gestures, while I am quite strong in making facial expressions which can easily help people in understanding my mood or feelings. I plan to enhance my listening skills by trying to pay more

Micro and Macro Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Micro and Macro Economics - Assignment Example The scarcity has been brought about by the natural gas and oil boom. The laborers are forgoing other business jobs and offers for the oil jobs. In this case, there is scarcity in labor and the opportunity cost is the labor to be offered in other sectors of the economy. In the news article, there is scarcity in guards and prisoners at times just walk away from prison. As many laborers have opted to oil companies, there have been scarcity in housing and settlements in areas like Woodward. 2. What Are the Factors of Production for the iPod Touch? Chapter 2 terms and definitions: Technology It is a wide concept dealing with a species’ knowledge and usage of crafts and tools, and how it impacts the ability of a species to adapt to and control its environment. As defined in the society of humans, technology is as a result of engineering in science but many technological improvements go before the two notions. Fa ctors of production These are the factors that are employed in the production of commodities with an aim of making economic profit. They are inclusive of Labor, land, entrepreneurship and capital. Without the factors of production there can be no any commodity as these factors are incorporated to yield an economic profit (Mankiw, pp.375) Relevance to article The technology in this article is the iPod touch. The factors of production include: Capital of Apple that outsources physical production in order to reduce costs. IPod touch also get materials from Samsung companies like Samsung. Another factor is labor of iPhone that is inclusive of stateside, internal employees who did the prototyping, design, sales and eventual marketing of the product. There were also external workers who worked in Asian countries. By employing external labor, the company has cut its production costs. Land for the Apple Company comprises of issues that affect available resources to suppliers of Apple in Asi a inclusive of availability and cost of materials like glass and silicon. As they do not own factories, their rent is the amount they pay property owner. Lastly is the entrepreneurship where apple has managed to be popular in the entrepreneurship category. Apple encouraged the efforts to innovate the product line in the apple brand. In design terms, the iPod touch integrated a display that is multi-touch and other elements that increased the financial value of Apple. 3. Short of Money, Egypt Sees Crisis on Fuel and Food Chapter 3 terms and definitions: Law of demand The law of demand states that if the price of a good or service increases the demand will fall and if the prices of a good or service is decreased it leads to an increase in demand other factors kept constant (Mankiw, pp.67) Normal good A normal good is that good that its demand increases with an increa se in the income of the buyer and demand decrease with a decrease in income of the consumer. A normal good behaves the in the same manner. Relevance to article In the article Egypt is running out of income meaning that the incomes of the consumers have fallen down. As Egypt imports fuel from other countries there is a shortage as there is low income by the country to purchase fuel. As there are fuel shortages, there is blackout in electricity. The shortages in electricity

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

American government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

American government - Essay Example bject; he has interest of his own; he soon begins to think that he may be happy, great and glorious, by oppressing his fellow citizens; and that he may raise himself to grandeur on the ruins of his country. In a large republic, the public good is sacrificed to a thousand views; it is subordinate to exceptions, and depends on accidents† (Brutus chap 4). In contrast, the interest of the public themselves are easier perceived and achieved in a small republic due to the similarity in manners, sentiments and interests, with greed and abuses such as those mentioned greatly minimized; thus, the vision of a homogeneous and virtuous society where all are treated equally with deserved respect regardless of background and/or the color of their skin. Like Brutus, Sam Adams’ letter to John Scollay had real concerns about the inconsistencies of the authorities powers granted in the United States Constitution. A crusader of true independence that entailed equality and freedom to all men, Sam, an ardent Christian living by the same principles, was against the institution of slavery, arguing that liberty had to be directed towards benevolent/kind/caring purposes, otherwise, it risked being an excuse for immorality in the new nation; he envision a nation grounded on Christian principles of mutual preservation of liberty and where every life is treated with respect and dignity (Harris and Kidd 172-173). Brutus argues that the opinion of the greatest men as well as the experience of mankind bear him testimony against the idea of an extensive republic, and gives a plethora of examples, right from the Grecian and Roman republics, to the monarchies of Europe that all ‘proved the destruction of liberty and [are] abhorrent to the spirit of a free republic’. An experienced judge, Robert Yates was against the independence of the judiciary, more particularly with regards to the Supreme Court that he argued would become a source of almost unlimited federal powers. Yates asserted

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

STR Markers for Human Identification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

STR Markers for Human Identification - Essay Example As all living things contain DNA, and all DNA exhibits variability both among and within species, any biological material associated with a legal case carries in it information about its source (Mark A. Jobling e'tal).The major advantage of DNA based technique is requirement of very small amount of sample like drop of body fluid, cigarette butts , or hair is enough to determined the identity of criminal or person related to crime. There is almost century old history of forensic genetics started with human ABO blood group polymorphisms. It was used for quite long time but having few drawbacks it was not used quite frequently in present investigations. The major back trough occurred in 1984 when Alec Jeffreys identified the hyper variable loci known as MINISATELLITE. The banding pattern obtained from this micro satellite known as DNA fingerprinting and was widely used since it discovery. The only drawback of this system is complicated data and difficulty to interpret. Than Development of 'single-locus probes' (SLPs) here it revealed only a single, highly polymorphic, restriction fragment length polymorphism. And hence simplifying interpretation. In Typical SLP based investigation four SLPs were used successively to probe a Southern blot, yielding eight hyper variable fragments per individual.( Mark A. Jobling e'tal). ... Being sensitive, high discriminating power and reliable in case of mix sample qualifies STR as perfect forensic tool. Fig 1 shows chronologic evolution of forensic genetics (Nat Rev Genet. 2004 Oct; 5 (10):739-51.) STR (Short tandem repeat): STR, short tandem repeat are short sequences of DNA normally of length 2-5 base pairs. and one can fine numerous time repetition of these sequences. There are almost 10,000 published STR sequence available in different literature. most widely used STRs are tetra or penta tendon repeat as there are certain advantage of smaller repeat over larger one, like it can withstand DNA degradation and avoids preferential amplification during PCR. Similarly short repeat is getting attention in terms of genetic diseases like tri-nucleotide repeat associated Huntington disease. STR markers are mainly classified under two category 1) Autosomal STR and 2) Y-chromosomal STR. 1) Autosomal STR:Initially there were four simple STR were used but there were high probability of similar matching hence later on it raise two more Complex STR along with PCR assay targeted at the XY-homologous amelogenin genes. As Forensic experts realized the capability of STR based identification system more attention was provided toward development of standard technique. In this line four more loci were added in to the over all process and name as SGM plus. Based on this development effort were made to set up STR database to mention record of individual having crime history. There are some differences between the overall techniques employed for STR typing in different countries and legal systems. For example in USA FDI CODI Shaving 16

Monday, September 23, 2019

Compare and contrast the powers of the US and Iranian presidents Essay

Compare and contrast the powers of the US and Iranian presidents - Essay Example mon variation between the two countries as one is a strictly federal country with different levels of governance while one has an executive president and a supreme religious leader (Deveaux, 2014). In Iran, the president holds the second most important position after the supreme religious leader otherwise known as Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The president has an important public role and image but the country’s constitution that was established after the establishment of the Islamic republic in 1979. The supreme leader controls a significant proportion of the executive branch, possessing powers to make various appointments and decisions affecting the country. The president of Iran is tasked with the role of developing economic policies for the country through the support of the legislature (Kriner & Reeves, 2014). The supreme leader of the country has supreme powers over all issues on the domestic security and foreign affairs policies. Such a situation has negatively affected the global image of the country’s president as he is unable to make decisions while on international trips without the intervention of the supreme leader (Jones, 2011). The nature of distribution of powers in the country has created a limited constitution kind of government in which the powers of the national government are limited only to specific areas that are of national interest. The discretional power of different state organs, institution and public office holders are limited and enforced based solely on the provisions of the law. The impact of the limited government concept on the current governments has remained a major controversy in different public debate environments but its benefits have been attributed to the continued protection (Deveaux, 2014). The president is in charge of domestic and international security and foreign relations policies and develops programs to improve the global position of country. While the parliament of Iran has little influence on foreign and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Student Council Structure Essay Example for Free

Student Council Structure Essay This article deals with the nature of student councils and the responsibilities of the representatives across the B schools in India with the example of the successful change in the structure of the student council at TAPMI. Student council is a curricular or extra-curricular activity for students within grade schools around the world. The student council helps share students’ ideas, interests, and concerns with teachers and school principals. They often also help raise funds for school-wide activities, including social events, community projects and school reform. Wiki According to Several Schools: A Student Council is a representative structure for students only, through which they can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students. Almost all the Bschool of the country have a so called â€Å"student body† or a â€Å"student council† which is an elected body of the student representative. They often take charge of organizing events in the school and work on several projects throughout the year. Its role in nurturing student’s behavior and enhancing the developmental activities at schools is complementary. The student council is meant for the benefit of the students. The elected members of the council become the link between the students and the school administration. Often, school councils are involved in planning the yearly curriculum and are shouldered the responsibility of organizing various events in the academic year. This creates the opportunity to include topics of interest to the students and also conduct activities that complement student learning and make learning a fun experience for students. The students who involved with the student council develop several leadership and communication skills in the path of handling responsibilities shouldered for being a student’s representative. On the other hand, the schools also stand to benefit from students councils. Firstly, the students take up the responsibility of organizing various events in the school, which would otherwise be an extra burden on the school administration, plus the students’ interest and involvement in the events are guaranteed. In some schools even the fund raising responsibilities are given to the students. But then we do not live in an ideal world – is student council actually doing what it is supposed to do? In most cases, this council works in a lose-win mode. Either the college management makes the student representatives as puppets in implementing more and more non-student friendly â€Å"rules† or the student council decides on how to â€Å"run† the college the student’s way. Instead of being complementary the student council and college management often works so as to have the â€Å"upper hand† in decision making regarding the life at campus. Let’s look at it from the students point. Are we selecting the right people in the student council? Isn’t it a truth that in more cases than not we elect people who either has money power or muscle power to be in the student council – much the same case as our politicians? Most often, students who can lobby win the posts rather than the people who actually deserve it. How many times have we felt that these people misuse their power for personal benefit and that a change is needed, but then who cares – why should I get my hands dirty to improve the system? Isn’t my job just to get a good placement, flying grades and get over with my 2 years? College will survive on its own – anyways it never cared about students! What most people fail to understand is that no college can ever grow without the efforts of management as well as students which should be complementary. No college event can ever be successful if both the stakeholders are not involved in its planning.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The advantages and disadvantages of online businesses

The advantages and disadvantages of online businesses Introduction The topic of online shopping has been of particular interest to practitioners, academics and marketing strategists and lot of research has already gone into determining whether these online companies are significantly different than brisk-and-mortar companies and if there are any systematic differences in consumer choice behavior between online and regular shopping (Eatock et al.,2002). There are some exceptional examples of online companies like Google, Yahoo and Amazon which have grown to become major global brands in their own right. These companies are purely online companies while there are others like who have hugely successful online operations but their online operations only supports their regular operation. This research does a feasibility analysis of a company going online and analyzes the effectiveness of the business model of online companies citing relevant examples. Analysis and Discussion Advantages of online operations Reach – Online companies can cater to a wider range of audience as compared to their offline counterparts. Eg. Companies like Amazon and eBay have a global reach. Low Cost the cost of spreading the message, advertising and in general the administration costs are lesser than regular companies and far more lesser when online companies reach economy of scale. Ease of shopping – Provides customers with a hassle free shopping experience whereby customers can sit at their home and shop at the click of their mouse. Choice – Gives customers more choice to choose from. Eg. Barnes and Noble has ten thousand books in its store and million in its online store Disadvantages Ease price comparison – Because customers can compare prices easily (now with price comparison sites like, etc), it makes companies compete on price rather than product differentiation and other factors which means online companies have lesser margins. Security and reliability issues – With Internet and credit card fraud on the rise, people are becoming more and more cautious and reluctant of giving their bank details online. Information Overload – At times people get lost on the internet because there is too much information which makes them delay or refrain their purchasing decision. ‘Squeezing the tomato’ (Gallauher, 1999) syndrome – People still like to have a look and try products like clothes etc before buying it. Trust – Because customers do not deal with the actual person but with an internet process, trust is of the major issues. Shipping costs – Convenience comes at a cost and most often than not, people have to pay for their shipping if they don’t buy stuff above a certain price limit. Eg. Customers have to buy something greater than  £5 in TescoDirect to have it delivered free of cost. Disadvantages on online companies can be overcome but only if they view the customer experience from the eyes of their customer. Online businesses Illustrations are given of three types of online companies which are different in their operations, eBay, is purely an online auction company, Barnes and Noble is a book seller which has both online and offline operations, easyJet is a low cost carrier which follows a Web-based distribution strategy. easyJet easyJet is a low-cost airline which has made the Internet the core of its business. Its business model is based on cost efficiencies and by hacking cost and overheads at every possible stage it ensures a built-in business advantage by selling online and thereby cutting away the intermediaries like travel agents etc. Presently 85% of its sales are online and the company aims to sell all the tickets online by the end of this year and be the only ‘Web-only’ airline. (Web 1) Another noteworthy feature is the ease of online booking and security of its site. The passengers online experience reinforces confidence in the booking process. (Lynch, 2005) Underlying the use of internet is easyJet’s business philosophy of efficiency and cost cutting and its business model of reaching to the mass market which couldn’t have been done without the use of Internet. The internet helps it lower its distribution cost, reach mass audiences, give an indication of customer prefere nces and passenger demand helping in pricing and staying ahead of competition.(Ind et al.,2002) The result of efficient and effective use of internet by easyJet has propelled it into a rapidly growing airline based on sound competitive business principles with an innovative business model. easyJet has revolutionized the way Internet can be used as the most effective business tool. E-Bay E-Bay is a purely online company which sells and auctions nearly everything on the internet. Through the internet medium, it has completely transformed the concept of auctions into e-marketplaces which were once limited to garage sales and flea markets. (Light, 2001) The internet makes the auctions global making it reach a wider audiences (it has about 29.7 million registered users today (Web 2)). E-Bay’s business model is based again on low cost and maximum reach by automating the traditional methods of selling. It adopts a unique culture of rating buyers and sellers to encourage trust among its customers making them feel more confident transacting with a person they don’t know. This also ensures reliability of its brand which helps overcome the transaction security issue discussed earlier. E-Bay’s profits have soared to 400% and revenues have doubled in 2006 as compared to 2005. (Web 3) The success is not only on the revolutionary concept of e-auctioning but al so on the way it handles its internet operations. Barnes Noble Barnes and Noble is a US based book store which sells books both in its regular stores and online. It has a $62 billion worldwide market and its internet site brings more than 70% of its revenues.(Web 3) Barnes and Nobles success can be attributed to the way its online shoppers can look inside the books (table of contents, abstract and in some cases even read the first chapter of the book they are looking to buy). The internet also offers buyers a greater variety of selection which is not the case with book stores which are limited by space. According to a Goldman Sachs report on Internet retailing, book selling is third among the top dozen or so products ranked for online success. Books are ideal to sell on the Web because you don’t need to see them in person, try them on, or check out their freshness. (Kotler, 2002) Another unique feature of Barnes and Noble is its online search facility which is subdivided into titles, authors, year of publication and industry etc which mak es customers aware of the latest issues. Its Website also offers chat facility with chat groups dedicated to particular genres. Feasibility Study Success of the online businesses highlighted above should be generalized because every online business is not successful. Before considering to go online, a company has to do a feasibility analysis which should answer some key questions like: What are the goals and objectives of the company and why does it want to go online? What does the company want to achieve by going online? Who are and will be the companies target customers and what benefit will they gain from the company going online? Does the company want to add new products, does it want to reach a wider audience or both? What are the companies technological strengths ? What is the distribution system available through online market? Who are the companies online competitors? What is the online selling strategy the company is going to adopt? : What are the risks of extending the business online? Businesses have to ask these questions and should have definitive questions to the above questions before they launch their online operations. References Books and Journals Danneels, Erwin (2003), â€Å"Tight-Loose Coupling With Customers: The Enactment of Customer Orientation,† Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 24, 559-576. Eatock, J., Paul, R. J. and Serrano, A. (2002) ‘Developing a Theory to Explain the Insights Gained Concerning Information Systems and Business Process Behaviour: The ASSESS-IT Project’, Information Sytems Frontiers 4: 303–16. Gallaugher, J. (1999) ‘Challenging the New Conventional Wisdom of Net Commerce Strategies’, Communications of the ACM 42 (July): 27–9. Ind, N. and Riondino, M. C. (2001) ‘Branding on the Web: A Real Revolution?’, Brand Management 9 (September): 8–19. Kotler, P. and Bliemel, F. (2002) Marketing Management, Stuttgart: Schà ¤ffer-Poeschel Verlag. Light, D. A. (2001) ‘Sure, You Can Trust Us’, MIT SloanManagement Review 43: 17. Lynch,R (2005) ‘Corporate Strategy’, London, FT Prentice Hall Merrilees, B. and Fry, M.-L. (2002) ‘Corporate Branding: A Framework for E-retailers’, Corporate Reputation Review 5: 213–25. of Multiple Store Environment Cues on Perceived Merchandise Value and PatronageIntentions,† Journal of Marketing, Vo. 66 (April), 120-141. Websites (Web 1) How to put the money where the mouse is (online) (cited on 10 March) Available from[emailprotected]> (Web 2) A Taxonomy of Internet Commerce (online) (cited on 10 March) Available from ( (Web 3) Global online companies Available from>

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effects Of A High Carbon Footprint

Effects Of A High Carbon Footprint High carbon emissions in the last two decades are slowly leading to excessive climate change. Some already visible consequences are warming of the planet, radiative warming, shift of Earths natural balance towards warming, and depletion of natural resources. Due to global warming, the last decade was recorded to be the warmest ever (Jaines, 2010) Earth is slowly turning into a different planet which is evident by the changes in average temperatures. Scientists say that high carbon emissions will cause rise in sea levels across the globe, and extinction of various species. Furthermore, they have an impact on the greenhouse effect which causes the reduction of the amount of sunlight and heat that is reflected back into space. This increases the average temperatures globally, especially the Arctic temperatures which causes the melting of ice. Melting ice releases methane in the atmosphere, which is 20 times more dangerous as a greenhouse gas than CO2. (Kage, 2007) Due to high temperatur es and rise in sea levels, there is a danger that many species of plants and animals will extinct. For example, world oceans are currently absorbing 1/3rd of excess carbon dioxide emissions, and therefore, becoming acidic and threatening sea species. This will cause a shortage of fish stocks and coral reefs which will eventually alter the worlds food chain. Similar things will happen to any other food sources. The indicated will have an effect on the economy since the food is going to be scarce and its prices are going to be rising. Moreover, due to increases in temperatures, the world is within 70 years going to be facing frequent storms, floods, and tornados. (Fraser, 2006) It is predicted that by 2050, temperatures are going to increase by 2.1-2.8 à Ã‚ ¦C compared to the historical average, and by 2100, the Earth is predicted to be 4.3-5.3 à Ã‚ ¦C warmer. Globally, sea levels could rise by 59 cm within the next century. (The Problem, 2012). Lastly, greenhouse effect causes de pletion in ozone which further leads to global warming. If there are ozone damages, then there is a higher chance of skin cancer, burning skin due to the direct contact with the sun. These changes in climate will also affect human health in sense of the increase of various disease carrying insects due to warming. (MOFA) National level Studies and predictions for UAE say that the rises in its sea levels by 1 meter could affect almost up to 1,155 square kilometers of land. This would cause, even in lesser numbers, terrible effects on UAEs islands, infrastructure, marine life, health, tourism, business, and economy. (The Problem, 2012) With already high temperatures, a bigger rise in the upcoming decades will cause a bigger need for energy production and cooling systems infrastructure causing a raise in carbon emissions if new energy sources wont be used. Scarcity of food caused by damages to marine and terrestrial life will boost prices of food, causing an even bigger need for import. This will directly affect UAEs economy and business as food and water prices rise. Scarcity of water might impact the region even more intensely, causing problems in many segments, such as households, industry, import, export, tourism, and economy. Even now, desalination of water is the only source of drinking water in UAE and requires a lot of energy. Even bigger scarcity of water would terribly affect the region. Infrastructure will either be destroyed by rising sea levels or natural disasters, or it will have to be adapted to the new situations. Both scenarios will make for a big loss of money and resources; therefore, it will cause a big damage in economy, and eventually on every individual living in the country. Individual level The biggest impact high carbon footprint has on the citizens of UAE are on their health and safety. All these emitted gases pollute the air which humans inhale; the gases penetrate deep into their respiratory systems and therefore, affect both respiratory and cardiovascular systems causing asthma, heart diseases, and premature death. Using fertilizers can also damage peoples health, as well as the sun impact and higher temperatures, which often cause heart failures and temperature shocks. Besides health issues, scarcity of food and water obviously affects peoples lives, causing them to spend more and more. Using more air conditioners with the rise of temperature often causes viral and bacterial diseases. Current Efforts of UAE Government Renewable Energy Even though UAE lacks most of the widespread renewable energy sources, such as biomass, tidal power, and water, one thing that UAE has more than enough is solar energy. In 2010, Abu Dhabi has started working on one of the worlds largest solar power plants. The development of the geothermal cooling in Masdar City has also started recently. (MOFA) Peaceful Nuclear Power It is known that nuclear energy has a nearly zero carbon footprint. Therefore, replacing the current ways of producing electrical and other types of energy with nuclear energy would contribute significantly to less carbon emissions. Currently a huge nuclear energy sector is being developed in UAE, consisting of 4 nuclear power reactors, which are believed to be finished and ready for full work by 2017. (MOFA) Transport Trying to increase the participation in public transport, the UAE has increased the number of buses, and still planning to implement more of them. Besides that, the Dubais Metro has been the newest, successful addition to UAEs public transport. Future plans include new transit light systems all over the country, and a high speed train. (MOFA) Carbon Capture and Storage (clean fossil fuels) Building storages underground to capture the emitted CO2 from plants and burned fossil fuels without releasing it further in the atmosphere. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says CCS could contribute between 10% and 55% of the cumulative worldwide carbon mitigation effort over the next 90 years. (MOFA) Al Basma Al Beeiyah Intiative Launched in October 2007 by the Ministry of Environment and Water, the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, the Emirates Wildlife Society, and the Global Footprint Network, its initiative is to better understand UAEs ecological and carbon footprint, and monitor consumption patterns in the country. Measuring carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions, the project is evaluating and implementing solutions for a better future. Researches and scientists from Masdar Institute have been leading this project with the aim to inspect how the development of power and water might affect UAEs carbon footprint up to 2030, and accordingly develop alternative energy productions. (UAE Ecological Footprint Initiative) Campaigns UAE government made some campaigns in UAE that raise awareness which include Heroes of the UAE, Environment agency Abu Dhabi etc. Heroes of the UAE campaign is designed to make people know about energy shortages and the effect of climate change. This campaign supplies people with easy tips on how to save energy. By making small changes in every days behavior people can easily contribute in the global efforts to reduce consumption. (Abu Dhabi, 2012)Furthermore, Environment Agency Abu Dhabi helps in conservation of water, climate change awareness and improving air quality by running environmental education and awareness courses and programs. Solutions and Recommendations Individual level Turn off home appliances if not used or needed; unplug from the power chord Do not overcharge cell phones and laptops Use compact fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs as it saves 60% of energy, yet providing the same brightness (What Is Carbon Footprint, 2012) Individuals can buy more energy efficient vehicles to help reduce carbon footprint People should use their vehicles only when required and use public transport or consider walking otherwise They should also use energy efficient devices as well as renewable energy sources and insulation at home to prevent the emission of greenhouse gases or heat loss Try carpooling; driving several people in one car can reduce a lot of carbon emissions coming from cars Slow down, try keeping to the speed limit. Driving at 80mph burns 10% more fuel than driving at 60mph. (What action can we take, 2011) Only boil the amount of water you need in your kettle Make sure taps are fully turned off and fix leaking taps. A dripping hot water tap wastes not only water but energy too. (What action can we take, 2011) National level Use sustainable forms of energy like solar energy, and wind energy Creating organizations which could help reduce carbon footprint The government should also make sure that only the necessary amount of cement is being used for the manufacture of buildings The government should also make sure that there are less amount of industries in the country which could be harmful for the environment The government should set up some awareness campaigns and workshops for the citizens to spread more awareness on how to reduce carbon footprint at home or elsewhere Diversification of resources is necessary for saving resources (DUBAI STRATEGY DEVELOPED TO REDUCE CARBON EMISSIONS) Successful implementation of Envitechs Green Buildings Project- development of buildings that require almost no external energy and consume the lowest possible amount of fresh water (Green Buildings Project) Building hydrogen power plants and nuclear power plants in order to develop clean energy and reduce carbon emissions Involve business organizations in reducing their collective carbon footprint in the offices; by doing this these organizations would become more competitive in the market Using biosolids as a fertilizer in agriculture since it is organic and allows the reduction of irrigation requirement (Al Wathba Veolia Besix Waste Water , 2012) Encourage more public transport, more physical activity, and walking Build more green spaces, parks, places for walking where there would a possibility to walk to malls or any other place instead of driving Establish recycling plants and companies Global level Stop deforestation; encourage reforestation in all parts of the world Avoid manufacturing of the buildings and industries which are not required Introduce the concepts of green and clean energy everywhere around the world Encourage the use of solar and wind energy everywhere around the world to produce electrical energy; open more nuclear power plants but with safety precautions and educate people about their plus-sides Encourage business organizations world-wide to start making their business greener; the prospective interest parties should evaluate business companies according to how environmental-friendly they are Financing companies should provide loans to help achieve objectives related to reducing carbon footprint to governments of different countries, especially to those with economic instability or less money Stricter family planning laws should be implemented globally to control the ever growing world population that is one of the major causes of this problem Committees everywhere around the world should be set up to educate the underprivileged people about the harmful effects of high carbon footprint Make laws which would aim towards conserving energy and water, such as putting limits on the usage per person/apartment, or increasing prices which would stop people from over-spending for unnecessary reasons Provide awards for companies that implement eco-friendly strategies Encourage ethanol, biodiesel and hydropower-produced hydrogen as alternative fuel options since they produce less greenhouse gases Recycle water so it can be reused for agricultural and irrigation purposes (Al Wathba Veolia Besix Waste Water , 2012) UN should establish more organizations everywhere around the world to raise awareness and educate people on how to protect our environment Divesting from oil stocks and investing in companies practicing carbon capture and storage (Biello, 2007) Restricting flying to only critical, long-distance trips; trains can replace planes for short- to medium-distance trips (Biello, 2007)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Californias Direct Means of Democracy Essay -- Prop 19

California is a democratic republic consisting of three branches of government. The first is the executive branch, i.e. the governor and a group of elected constitutional officers. Second is the judicial branch which consists of the Supreme Court of California and the various local courts. Officials are appointed by the Governor and ratified in the next general election. The third branch of government in California is the legislative branch. It is a bicameral body which includes California’s Senate and Assembly. The Assembly makes up the lower house of the California State Legislature and consists of eighty members, one representative from each county, who serve for up to three two year terms. There are forty state senators who are able to serve up to two four year terms. Each senator represents approximately 846,719 Californians. California practices direct democracy which is a method of governance in which any citizen of a state wishing to participate holds sovereignty. It is a political system that allows citizens to change constitutional laws, put forth initiatives, referendums, and suggestions for laws. Also, they can give institute limitations for removal on the state’s executive branch official. These means of governing is a clear contrast representative democracy which state officials, elected to office through popular vote, hold the power to make legislation. The framers of the United States did not see direct democracy as a viable option of governance because it made it easy for the majority to impose their will over the minority. Also, it gave the newly formed legislative branch less power. In turn, the founding fathers instituted a representative democracy in the form of a constitutional republic. This allowed the s... ...011: 48-49. Print. "California." Initiative and Referendum Institute. University of Southern California, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. . "California Ballot Propositions - November 2nd 2010 ." California Choices. California Choices, 7 Feb. 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. . Kesler, Charles R. "Direct Democracy In California." The Claremont Institute: For Studying Statesmenship and Political Philosophy. The Claremont Insititute, 2009. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. . Stern, Robert M. "Democracy by Initiative: Shaping California’s Fourth Branch of Government." Health Vote. California HearthCare Foundation, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2011.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

battle of hastings recruiting :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  October 14th of the year 1066 two armies faced each other near the town of Hastings. 10,000 Norman troops under the command of William of Normandy faced 8,000 Anglo-Saxon soldiers led by Harold the current king of England. Geoffrey Parker, Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare (Cambridge: 1995), pp. 82-3. Harold's 8,000 men consisted of Housecarls, the local Fyrd, and local village volunteers. David Howarth, 1066: The Year of the Conquest (New York: 1977),pp.170-1 The two armies clashed on that day and history tells us the outcome. But what forces go into creating an army of these sizes? The three main Anglo-Saxon troop types will be defined and the forces that created them will be examined below.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Three troop types would fight for the Anglo-Saxons the Housecarls, the Fyrd, and local peasantry. The Housecarls were professional soldiers under the service of the King and the Earls of the Kingdom. Harold used the Housecarls of the King and his Housecarls of his Earldom of Wessex. He also used the Housecarls of his two brothers. The Fyrd was a volunteer citizen army provided by the Thanes of the kingdom. The local peasants fought to protect their homes. David Howarth, 1066: The Year of the Conquest (New York: 1977), pp. 80-1. There were two divisions of fyrd in the 11th century one consisting of a local peasant force and the other a select levy force. C. Warren Hollister, Anglo-Saxon Military Institutions: On the Eve of the Norman Conquest (Oxford: 1962), p. 26.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The local peasant Fyrd that fought at Hastings came from Sussex. C. Warren Hollister, Anglo-Saxon Military Institutions: On the Eve of the Norman Conquest (Oxford: 1962), p.30. All freemen of the area were obligated to provide protection for the local area. This obligation was connected with financial and agricultural obligations. C. Warren Hollister, Anglo-Saxon Military Institutions: On the Eve of the Norman Conquest (Oxford: 1962), pp. 35-6. The peasant fighting force is a Germanic tradition in origin. Based upon a freeman's duty to defend the lands of the king, however the peasant force is a limited army. The king is required to pay the troops if needed for them to leave the area. The peasants have the right to return to there homes at the end of the day. However, they must provide their own equipment. C. Warren Hollister, Anglo-Saxon Military Institutions: On the Eve of the Norman Conquest (Oxford: 1962), pp. 27-8. The primary function of the peasant Fyrd was to provide defense against enemies attack from the sea, such as the events at Hastings.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Brownie: White American and Octavia Essay

The short story â€Å"Brownies† written by Z. Z. Packer is told in first person by a young introverted African American girl named Laurel, known as â€Å"Snot† to her friends from school. The story reflects back during a summer camp outing at Camp Crescendo that involves a small group of young African American fourth grade girls from the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. In this story the author provides countless details of how the effects of social segregation and racism can have a negative impact on our children and our entire society. Arnetta, the leader of the Brownie pack disliked sharing the summer camp with the young girls of Troop 909 from day one because they were white. Referring to them as â€Å"Invaders†, because in the suburbs of Atlanta they were rarely seen or even thought about(358). While riding in their bus on their way to the cabin and after they had already passed the Troop 909 girls at the front gate, Arnetta asked, â€Å"Did you smell that? † Trying to make fun of the girls she threw her head up and with her nose pointed to the sky she said they smell like â€Å"wet Chihuahuas†. By the end of the day and with a plan to entice her Brownie troops to start a fight with the Troop 909 girls, Arnetta stated that she heard one of them call Daphne a nigger and that they couldn’t let them get away with that. When asked to confirm that one of the white girls said it, Daphne was hesitant to answer until Arnetta gave her an elbow followed with a mean stair down. Daphne was not the type of girl that would stand up for oneself and was too scared to speak up. Even at their Woodrow Wilson Elementary school, if someone doesn’t fit into their little group or doesn’t land a perfect ten after jumping off the swing at the playground, Arnetta and Octavia would reply using the word â€Å"Caucasian†. This was just another way in belittling other people and displaying that Caucasian race was below that of the African Americans. Octavia was considered to be Arnetta’s right hand woman. Octavia was quick to tell anybody to shut up and readily made fun of even her Brownie troop friends. Janice, the muscle of the group and maybe not the sharpest tool in the shed had a country accent that came along with an bubbly personality was even referred to as â€Å"Miss Caucasian† when she wouldn’t leave Arnetta and Octavia alone. One day during lunch time while Janice was standing alongside the water’s edge, Octavia had the temptation but not necessarily the courage to push her into the water. Octavia even disliked Daphne for beating her out in the school poem contest and even referred to Mrs. Margolin, the Brownie troop chaperone as â€Å"Big Fat Momma†. Once they decided that the bathroom would be where the fight takes place, all they needed was to hope they could catch them their alone without their troop leader. As they walked through the woods on their way to the bathroom Janice spoke out, â€Å"this smells like my mother’s air freshener†, than one of the other girls stated the trees in the woods are Pine trees. Janice was shocked to hear that they could get the smell of trees onto an air freshener. As they approached the bathroom they could hear the Troop 909 girls talking. Arnetta suggested that Octavia, Janice and herself would go in first while the rest of them wait outside. After minutes of waiting outside Elise, Drema, Dephne, and Laurel went inside to see what was happening. Octavia looked over at Elise and said, â€Å"I think they’re retarded†. One of the white girls replied, â€Å"We ARE NOT retarded(366-367)! † Once Arnetta and Octavia came to the realization that these girls were mentally challenged, they felt remorseful from their actions and wished to leave without being caught teasing the white girls. Octavia tried to scare the girls by mentioning to them, that if they told on them they would be considered tattletales. As one of the white girls replied, I like tattletale, the Troop 909 leader walked in. Minutes later both Mrs. Margolin and Mrs. Hayes were at the center of the debate. The lady that ran Troop 909 never got mad or raised her voice and always kept a smile on her face as she talked. She said she wasn’t going to blame anybody for their actions or their behavior and cited that maybe what caused this incident actually could of happened. The troop leader clarified that her girls were not retarded but considered slow learners. That they might not have the best of parents and could of possibly heard a bad word or two from their parents. Even after the situation was over and things had calmed down, Arnetta pointed to a small girl and insisted that she heard her say the word. After the white troop leader made the statement that it was impossible because she doesn’t speak, Arnetta made another acquisition that it then came from the girl wearing the complete Brownie uniform. At that point nobody was believing in Arnetta’s story. On the bus ride home Elisa and Arnetta still felt it necessary to continue to make fun of the white girls from Troop 909. When Daphne gave Laurel her prized journal, Daphne could not think of anything to write in it. Than Laurel remembered a time when she and her father were at the mall and they came across some Mennonites who her father insisted that they would do anything you asked of them. Nobody on the bus besides Daphne believed in her story even after she told them that they had actually painted there front porch. until she told them that they sat on the bus and as they return home on the bus, Laurel tells them of an incident in her family involving a white Mennonite family. As she tells the story, she comes to an unsettling realization about racism and the nature of human life.

Monday, September 16, 2019

My Family, My Everything Essay

Family is the cement the mends my life, keeps me grounded, and allows me to be a part of something greater than myself. My family has always been very close, we always look forward to spending time together. We have mostly gotten along and supported each other. Not to say we never get mad at each other, like the time my sister took my car without asking and accidently wrecked it, we do always work things out. Though we have not always lived near each other, my family has remained close through; the â€Å"wonder years† growing up, family holidays, and supporting each other during good times and bad. My mom is an independent women who worked full-time, kept our family close, put dinner on the table and supported each of us any way she could. My mom did a spectacular job of raising us even though at times it was a struggle raising 3 children alone. Through the years of watching her as we grew into teenagers we gained our own independence around the house, at school and in our per sonal lives. The great example my mom set for us allowed us to become successful in our personal and professional lives by making good decisions, working hard towards our goals, and taking responsibility for our actions. Growing up was not always easy, because we moved around a lot which meant we always were attending a new school. Having to make new friends all of the time, we learned to find friendship in each other. Over 28 years ago my step father’s job transferred us to Southern Indiana. Distance could not keep us from each other, my mom and I talked to my sister and brother every week, if not every day keeping our family bond strong even with the miles between us. As the years went on the distance got easier, we would make the trip to Michigan often for holidays, special  events. In 2009, my mom and daughter moved to Michigan and later that year I packed up my husband and 2 other children and moved backed to Michigan. I like being able to meet all my family for dinner at my mom’s house or go bowling on the spur of the moment or shopping with my sister or to the beach with my niece, without having to drive seven hours from home. The thing I like the best is when we are all get together sit around and tell stories from our past and remember the good times and share laughs. I look forward to this for many years to come. When a tragedy affects someone in our family we all jump in and help without being asked. Several months ago my sister-in-law was starting to have head aches and not feeling well and then it began to affect her vision and balance. At first, the Doctor thought it could be something really serious and she had to keep going back and forth to the hospital to have testing done. We all helped them out and have all taken her illness on as our own and plan to stand beside her and my brother and will continue to support them anyway they need. We do this for each other without having to ask or feel like a burden. Through good and bad and in tough hardships and the best of times, my family has always stood together. It does not matter whether I am in a bad mood or busy with my life, my family comes first and they know that. They know they can always count on me and I will be there whenever they need me. While some families might act like a bunch of strangers, my family; they are my everything.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Explain why women failed to gain the right to votebetween 1900 and 1914

Female Emancipation was one of the greatest changes in human history. Only in the last two centuries has progress been made; the right to vote was part of this global process. In the 19th Century Britain was profoundly unequal in terms of class and gender. Women were of inferior status both in society's views and legally, and their role was to marry and have children. On marriage they promised to serve their husband and a woman's property became her husband's. (Until late 1880, they had absolutely no rights over their property or children. ) Around the turn of the century, groups such as the Suffragists and Suffragettes started up, championing the right for women to vote, which in turn would help female candidates run for a position in parliament. This was the state of Britains social hierachy. The matter of why women failed to gain the right to vote in the years leading up to the first world war is quite a complicated issue. With all the huge campaigns lead by the Suffragists and Suffragettes there are a number of key points to understand. First of all, the vote was very exclusive at this period of time, even all men did not have it. Only homeowners in full-time employment were allowed to vote, which limited the vote to virtually the upper-middle and upper clases, and the lucky workers. Then there were the traditional views on women in general; they were seen as practically â€Å"second class† citizens of the country. Only in 1870 had education up to the age of 11 become free and compulsory for girls. (For boys it was earlier) Women had only just won the right to vote and run in local government elections. Most people felt the womans place was in the home raising children. Young girls who wanted to go on to higher education instead of marrying at the age of 16 were generally looked upon with disgust. They were seen as abnormal. It is easy to see that in a male-dominated country with an all-male government and cabinet it was an almost impossible task to win the franchise, or so it seemed. The Suffrage movement was increasing constantly, however compared to the nations population, the members of the various groups seemed very small. Many men did not want women to gain the vote for the long term reasons stated earlier, and even many women felt that they did not need the vote. It is hard to understand, but the whole mentality of British society was so deeply set in traditional thought that bringing about a change of such proportions was an immensly difficult task. Some people even started up Anti-Suffrage movements. The Suffrage groups started putting massive amounts of pressure on the government, which was for most of the duration run by the Liberal Party. (Lead by Lloyd Asquith after 1908. ) Hopes were high for a women suffrage when the Liberals came to power in 1906, because their policies were based on equality, although women's suffrage was not on their manifesto. Asquith, however, was against the right to vote for women. All the women's suffrage groups had intensified their campaigns when the Liberal Party was elected, and they had a high level of support. The Suffragettes were the smaller of the two largest groups, but were by far the most publicised. They believed in â€Å"Deeds not Words†, and were a more militant group than the larger and more respectful â€Å"Suffragists†. The Suffragettes were growing impatient and started intensifying their campaigns, growing more and more violent. Incidents involving stoning and heckling MP's, confronting authorities, getting fined and not paying; leading to imprisonment plagued the headlines of newspapers on a regular basis. Although this was putting pressure on the government, it also had the negative effect of alienating the movement from the public who generally did not like this approach. The Suffragettes started launching attacks on property, attacking Key MP's houses or property, setting fire to pillar boxes (thus destroying the property of Her Majesty) and chaining themselves to rails outside important political locations. This caused intense dislike towards them, and caused splits within the group itself. A free vote showed that the Parliament was overall for women to have the vote, as long as an adult male suffrage was introduced aswell. This was so all the working class males would be allowed to vote which would be an adcantage to them, so the increase in upper class people voting (women) would not hurt their chances of becoming re-elected. They also did not want to be seen as giving in to what was literally terrorism. The government also had greater issues to deal with, such as the crisis in Ireland, and the threat of War with Germany. Compared to these issues, the womens demonstrations and attacks seemed a minor problem. In 1914, The First World War had begun. This was the first total war, which required the whole nations contribution. The Suffragettes and other groups called off their protests and volunteered to help the government in the war effort. They had failed to win the right to vote, at least in the years between 1900 and 1914.